American mini-series that updates and reworks L. Frank Baum's classic 'The Wizard of Oz'. Bored teen Dorothy Gale (Zooey Deschanel), otherwise known as D.G., still attends school when she feels like going, and works as a waitress to pass the dull, drab days. Transported into the Outer Zone (OZ), she suddenly finds herself locking horns with the evil sorceress Azkadellia (Kathleen Robertson), who has cast a spell over the kingdom, which only the mysterious Mystic Man (Richard Dreyfuss) can break. Determined to enlist his help, D.G. sets off to find him, finding help along the way from no-brainer Glitsch (Alan Cumming), cowardly half-man, half-lion Raw (Raoul Trujillo), and former lawman with a tin-star, Wyatt Cain (Neal McDonough).