Kaplan's TOEFL iBT Prep Plus 2020-2021 and 4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL provide the expert strategies and practice you need to succeed on the test, which is required worldwide for international students who want to study abroad. Test-like practice and audio tracks help you master your English abilities in reading, writing, listening, and speaking so you can face the TOEFL with confidence.
TOEFL Prep Plus 2020-2021 offers the best review:
Content updated for the 2019 TOEFL iBT test change
Four full-length online practice tests with detailed answers and explanations
More than 450 practice questions to help you get comfortable with the test
Focused practice for each section of the test helps you reinforce critical concepts
More than 95 minutes of audio for Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections included on CD and online, plus complete transcripts in the book
Exclusive score-raising tips and strategies for each language skill: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking
4 Practice Tests for the TOEFL offers the most practice:
Four full-length practice exams in the book and online
Exam-like questions with detailed answer explanations help you build your Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing skills
Listening tracks for test-like practice online
Expert Guidance
We know the test: The Kaplan team ensures our practice questions and study materials are true to the test
Kaplan's books and practice questions are written by experts who know students—every explanation is written to help you learn
We invented test prep—Kaplan (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students for 80 years, and our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams