A snail follows his dream of winning the Indianapolis 500 in this CGI-animated children's feature from Dreamworks Studios. Eager to follow in the footsteps of his hero, Indy 500 champ Guy Gagné (voice of Bill Hader), and obsessed with all things to do with speed, Turbo the snail (Ryan Reynolds) has become a bit of an embarrassment to his friends. But when a freak accident sucks him into the supercharger of a drag racer, he wakes the next morning to discover he's acquired some of the characteristics of a car, such as headlight eyes, but more importantly, incredible acceleration and speed. Armed with his new abilities and aided by friends Tito (Michael Peña), Whiplash (Samuel L. Jackson), Smoove Move (Snoop Dogg), Burn (Maya Rudolph) and Skidmark (Ben Schwartz), Turbo soon sets out for the famous racetrack, determined to fulfil his destiny.