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559,00 kr 405,30 kr

All 12 episodes of the Japanese anime based on the manga series written by Ken Akamatsu. The show follows the adventures of 14-year-old Tota Konoe (voice of Yuka Takakura) who, after discovering he is a vampire, leaves Shin-Tokyo to join fellow immortals in the secret society known as UQ Holder. The episodes are: 'Beauty and the Boy', 'You Can't Hate Someone You Meet Naked', 'Palace of the Immortals', 'Invasion of the Assassins', 'Magia Erebea', 'Kuromaru's Dark Days', 'Reset and Restart', 'Operation: Capture Fate', 'Love, Baths and Vigorous Exercise', 'Welcome to Mahora Academy', 'Her Love Story' and 'Adeat! Everlasting Love'. The collection also includes the OVA episodes 'Amor Primus - First Love', 'Eternal First Kiss in a Moment' and 'Karin Senpai's Secret That Can't Be Spoken'.