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This is the first textbook worldwide on the speech pathology management of chronic refractory cough. It offers a comprehensive overview of the condition, outlines therapy in great detail and consolidates recent advances in this area. It provides all materials needed for speech pathologists to assess and treat individuals with chronic refractory cough. All practical resources and tools needed to treat the condition are provided in one practical and accessible publication. Speech pathologists can access all the information from one single source thus saving time during busy caseloads. The included extensive background material will be helpful for both novice and experienced clinicians. These materials are not available in any other format. Resources include a CD with patient handouts and exercise sheets in printable pdf format, and excel spreadsheet files to help calculate symptom scores. The book is written by people who currently specialize in the clinical assessment and management of patients with chronic refractory cough and who have an active research program.By outlining laryngeal hypersensitivity, the book sets up the reader/practitioner to take advantage of upcoming developments in the field of chronic refractory cough.Cough is such a common experience that it in fact accounts for the largest number of ambulatory health care visits internationally. Most cases of acute cough resolve spontaneously however Chronic Refractory Cough is another matter. This is defined as a cough that lasts for longer than eight weeks, and persists despite medical treatment; and it is a significant health problem for many people. Often lasting for months or even years, chronic refractory cough has debilitating side effects including stress urinary incontinence, depression, poor sleep, headaches and reduced quality of life. Some patients resign from work and many avoid social situations. Even simple activities such as conversing or using the telephone can become distressing because talking can trigger coughing episodes. Although medical treatment is ineffective for Chronic Refractory Cough, speech pathology intervention can be effective in treating the condition.Understanding laryngeal function in chronic refractory cough has changed, and there are now effective treatment programs that can be used to help people with these problems.However while speech pathology intervention is effective in treating refractory chronic refractory cough, patients have difficulty accessing this intervention outside of specialist voice clinics.Management of chronic refractory cough is an expanding area for speech pathologists, yet many have limited clinical exposure to the treatment of this condition and comprehensive details of the theory and treatment are not readily available in published form. This book, the result of a therapy program which is defined by the authors, who are both practicing clinicians as well as researchers, and based on evidence and background resear