Wicked Haints: A Savannah Ght Story
Haints are what people in the low country of Georgias southeast coast call spirits. It is believed by some folks that the color Haint Blue keeps evil spirits out of a house. When Haint Blue paint is removed from a house in Savannah, strange occurrences begin and those in the know suspect that wicked spirits are wreaking havoc in the haunted historical district. A series of renters flee the house, afraid for their lives. But when two college students move in and frantically attempt to solve the mysterious happenings and rid the house of wicked haints, one scary encounter after another threatens to take over the house and those who interfere! This easy read is fun for all ages and guaranteed to make everyone laugh even the dead! And in case you forget: Be mindful where you tread; you walk upon Savannahs dead.