Wittner, Ben Bi-Scriptual (3721209826)
As a result of globalization and in- creased interaction across countries and cultures, multilingualism is becom- ing increasingly important all around the world. Script, as the most impor- tant conveyor of confirmation, plays a major role in this development. Design- ers are more and more faced with the challenge of creating designs that not only combine various languages but two or even more writing systems.
At first, Bi-Scriptual discusses on a theoretical level questions such as the sociocultural relations between various writing systems and the increasing importance of sociocultural communi- cation. Following a general section on the practical application of bilingual design, experts of the concerned lan- guages compare eight writing systems with the Latin script. This part also contains topical interviews and practi- cal examples of more than 100 design- ers that show the various possibilites of creating designs incorporating different writing systems side by side.