Young, Deborah E. Swatch Reference Guide for Fashion Fabrics (1501328603)
Featuring the most current and high-quality fashion fabrics, Swatch Reference Guide for Fashion Fabrics, Fourth Edition, is an all-in-one text and swatch book focused on the needs of fashion students. The swatch book presents fabric samples with all pertinent information regarding fabric identification on the same page, including fabric name, fiber content, yarn construction, count, coloration, weight, uses, characteristics and similarities/differences between fabrics. The kit includes 210 unique fabric samples not found in any other swatch kit, a 100+ page textbook with activities, Quick Reference Guide tables, pre-printed mounting boards for all swatches and a 6x metal pick glass--all held in a sturdy 3-ring binder. Through the text and assembly of the swatch kit, readers will learn the inherent performance properties and construction of fibers, yarns and fabrics, and most importantly, their end use in fashion. This invaluable reference brings together a wide variety of information into one volume, enabling users to spend less time trying to connect the dots and more time applying the concepts. New to this Edition ~ Online STUDIO features a video tutorial, chapter quizzes, flashcards and additional assignments and labs ~ Includes all new fiber and yarn samples and 210 swatches that reflect trends in the fashion industry ~ Expanded sections on sustainable and socially responsible market practices ~ In depth analysis of care issues and labels Teaching Resources ~ Instructor's Set of Swatch Boards PDF provides reference fabric sample pages with color images of fabrics inserted on swatch pages--making it easier to check or grade correctly constructed swatch kits ~ PowerPoint slides include front, back, and 10x magnified views of all swatches from the text labeled by fabric and fiber type ~ Instructor's Guide provides sample course outlines, additional assignments, tips for overcoming common obstacles, and study contains course outlines, answer keys to quizzes and exams, and additional assignments. ~ Test Bank contains chapter quizzes with multiple exams covering both the chapter text and the swatch board information This bundle includes Swatch Reference Guide for Fashion Fabrics, 4th Edition and Swatch Reference Guide for Fashion Fabrics STUDIO Access Card.